Do to a lack of support for Goldbrick, and exemplary support for this hack, we just had someone install this, but most of the Goldbrick media tags did not convert. I also noticed that urls to .mov files uploaded to the site server do not render into anything but a hyperlink. Do we need to add that part 2 hack with all the xml conversions to fix that?
It looks like one needs 2.5 to change the video window size as all the 16:9 videos get the top and bottom cropped and they are a little small anyway.
Lastly, is the brand new but now defacto standard bearer for HD video streaming. Not much content there yet, but it smokes other HD video file sharing sites, you just have to figure out how you would add that on considering the same url appears to display for 3 different sizes of the same video, with the medium one being the best.
I REALLY wish playing the video would use a highslide lightbox effect. We left highslide in place for still images, but it doesn't work on AME videos, only the Goldbrick hack did.