Thanks for your prompt return;
Actually the initial install is pretty straight forward. Even for a novice. I am running Vbulletin 3.8 and CMPS 3.1, Dynamics 2.1, Links 3.1. Works great!
Question: In my page layout I have a module selection that I can now choose to use in addition to Nav Site. I could place it on the right column if I prefered. But how do I get rid of the permenant (same appearance as new module) in the template on left side. and still keep the new listed module if I choose. Is the template clean_nav needed? I have tried a number of different things but can't find it or know how to.
I notice that the new module and page auto updates with the changes that I have made to vB template navbar3. That is great. But is there a way that the new module could be just used to associate with the new CMPS pages only! As an index just for a section or page navigation instead.
Because I would like to possibly clone it to use as a section for a specific page link. I noticed that modules could be copied but wonder how this would work.
If I could do a section index or page index. It would shorten the navbar if there is no way to quickly do a drop down or collapse.
Would I clone the new module and name each file navbar4 etc and install new xml files.
In my looking at the cmps_navbar3 xml file I was wondering if it could be edited so that it was just a module? I don't know. If it could be then it would give me more flexibility.
Thanks again,
TC Topps