Originally Posted by DanTHEGREAT
No nothing against you, just found a better system
thanks though.
I was more looking of a points system instead of an experience system.
vBExperience is PRIMARY an point system which shows also the activity.
Originally Posted by buileminh
I want a score system that score (or value) user's activities on my forums. Each user will have a certain point according to how active he is in my forums. I want to give all user permission to purchase paid subscriptions by point they earned. All the other features should be disable to reduce server load.
Disable all points other than activity by setting it's value to 0 via options/settings.
Originally Posted by buileminh
By the way, how heavy your mod is?
Depends on your machine and your traffic
Originally Posted by Nantrox
I havent used that hack at all, so I wonder if its possible that User can donate Points to other Users?
Currently not.
Originally Posted by wicked80
Awards are not showing up on my site for the users. Do I have to assign them manually for each user from Vbulletin backend?? Any help would be appreciated.
Did you recalculated once after installation? Does "Generate Awards" from within "Manage Awards" work?
Originally Posted by Terminot
How do you calculate the activity? Can you give me the exact sumarize? That would be nice!
See description:
Calculation of the activity
The system calculates the activity by taking the average post count of the ten most active user and comparing it to own post count. This can be set to count only the last X days, f.e. 21 days (controlable via AdminCP) .