Originally Posted by Tigur
This is awesome. However will this auto-register a user to your forums as well and populate information for easy registration? That way if the user decides to leave facebook they can still login normally?
If they leave facebook then the only way they can access their account is by emailing the admin requesting their username/password.
Originally Posted by monkeywarplane
Had the pro install down by Silik and so far so good... (marked as installed)
Only a couple issues, those Facebook users that sign up for a new VB account do not show up in the memberlist, nor in the admin control panel when I search for them...
hmm thats wierd... I'll check on that!
Originally Posted by Terminot
Where can you change this image? Thanks for the awesome modificiation by the way.

To change the image you have to change the path in clientscript/fbconnect.js
<img id="fb_login_image" src="http://static.ak.fbcdn.net/images/fbconnect/login-buttons/connect_light_medium_long.gif" border="0" alt="Connect"/>