Originally Posted by VBDev
Well I didn't thought users were still using those slow 56k connections anymore
Try having a higher refresh rate to see if the issue is a problem of loading the chats before the next loading happens.
No, the load on our forum is OK. Tried full mode and got same results.
You mean this:
Intervalle de temps entre deux v?rifications
Temps d?finit en minutes
It's at one (minute).
BTW: Increasing the refresh rate would not create more load on the forum?
It works sometimes and sometimes does not work at all.
I'm getting really frustrated. I'm missing the sound when there is a new chat/post!
It started working again last night and stopped again at noon today. On vb.org, when you said:
I also tried this:
Nombre de notifications ? afficher dans la chatbox
Attention : cette option est prise en compte uniquement si vous avez configur? l'option de s?paration des requ?tes SQL sur Oui.
I have it setup at 10 (was at 30 before).
Finally, tried this;
Nombre de messages dans la chatbox
Nombre maximum de messages dans la chatbox en mode non repli?
I have it setup at 30 (was at 60 before).
Nothing seems to work!