Originally Posted by David Bott
Great Addition. Installed Turbo Guys Version.
The down side is not being able to see the sub categories (forums). I read that I can search for it here and find something about adding new templates and what have you. But still not sure why it would not show to begin with. I mean, the main site shows sub fourms inside the other forums, I would think this style would also. Not sure why it would not.
Thanks again for the work on this.
I'm a member of AVSForums, and took a look using the iPhone beta skin. Can't really tell the difference from the site on my PC. Did you get this fixed?
Originally Posted by dltkmk
Does anyone have a working horizontal postbit template with the same information/functionality of the postbit_legacy?
(name, last post, location, moderation yellow/red card, etc?)
Not yet, but I can try to work on that. Do you have an example site where I can see how you'd be using it?
Originally Posted by hammerhead24
Two questions:
1) Is there a way to add "Posted via iPhone" to every post/pm?
2) How can I change the colors of the button images? Is there a tutorial on how to make those in photoshop somewhere?
I know the regular mobile style by Dartho has the ability to add 'Posted via Mobile Device' to every post, but haven't quite seen where he hooks that in. Shouldn't be too hard to do.
As for colors, it's in the CSS. Took me quite a while of fiddling to get away from the green that El Forro originally used.
Originally Posted by RichTJ99
it would be nice if when clicking "Quote" it could bring up a page that looked like the "New Thread" page, only with the quote loaded
Rich, I just fixed that in a new version, try the one I'm uploading now.
Originally Posted by RichTJ99
I hate to even ask, but is this working with 3.8.x?
Sorry, no idea as of yet, haven't upgraded to 3.8.x yet. I'll be sure to post any changes I make when I do.