Ok... I've been doing everything I can think of to see what the problem may be with this and I may have found something. I didn't want to keep messing with the live board, so I setup a web server in my house and made an exact copy (almost) of the board to run my tests. I was able to get this to work without any modification to template structure or addons. Now, I find it could be 2 things:
Server configuration
Would there be a possible issue if the forum is run off a subdomain? The server on my home server is an exact copy of the live server (as far as software goes... not sure how the host set everything up) except I didn't set up the subdomain, "forum.crookedh.com". I changed the hard coded links and settings that applied the subdomain to "www.crookedh.com/forum" and it works.
If there is indeed an issue with the subdomain, would it be possible to fix this mod via an edit? Since any links anyone has posted back to us would include the subdomain, I'd like to keep the current structure. I guess everything would still work as far as the rest of the forum is concerned, but if they visited us via an outside link, Live Topic would not work. Just want to keep everything consistent.
EDIT: And just to clarify, I saw the same 404 errors and had already done the edit you suggested above to Andyrew.
EDIT2: Now that I reread this I see that it really doesn't make much sense. I blame the beer. lol I hope you can figure out what I'm tring to say.