Originally Posted by Quantnet.org
I notice that if a member has both account on FB and the forum, when they log in with their FB id, it will create a new forum member. Is this the intended purpose?
When they sign up with FBConnect, they are given the option to use their existing vB account. If they don't do that, they'll end up just creating a new account.
Originally Posted by paintballer.ie
Merging Users:
I didn't read all the topics, so maybe this has been mentioned, but here is a possible work around for letting current members set up their face book accounts.
1: read: http://www.vbulletin.com/docs/html/users_merge
2: Get current members with facebook to log in with their facebook accounts and us a nick name as 'username2' or something.
3. Then merge this user with their current forum username.
I havent tried it yet, but I assume that it will work.
* Edit, I found Jedi's post where he said that current nick name can be used. I have to try this out.
Yes, merging accounts any other way will not work the way you want it to.
Originally Posted by nMIK-3
I have a major problem.
When New Users register by using the facebook connect their facebook email IS NOT ported over the vBulletin database. How do I solve this?
Emails are sent through the application to the email registered in their FaceBook account.