Originally Posted by iogames
But I did place it on the right spot and nothing... a more exact line of code? someone? 
Try this, it might work
.transparent_class {
-khtml-opacity: 0.1;
opacity: 0.1;
But i think this is what your saying;
To get a semi-transparent background of a <div>
(or other element, especially list elements) and yet keep the 100%
opacity of the inner text
That is not how opacity works. The css 3 property 'opacity' applies to a box as a whole and its content (all the contents of that box). Opacity is not inherited, but all the contents of a box whose opacity is lower than 1 (<100%) will appear as semi-transparent (or faded). It is not applied to the background, but the box as a whole. All the content of that box will be affected.
You could try and use RGBA color values.
selector {background: rgba(0,0,255,0.5) } /* semi transparent blue */
Have a peek here for more details