Originally Posted by Dekard
I made the switch from phpbb 2 and there were a few hassles in the beginning but it was well worth it. Its a huge upgrade and you'll be very happy. So will your users.
Same here, major improvement, hardly a comparison.
It's actually important for the original poster to realize it is 'not' an upgrade but a migration. It's not merely a difference in choice of words, upgrading and migrating are two very different things, as different as a Boeing 747 and a bus and you wouldn't want people to confuse those two either
It means the phpBB data is considered foreign to vBulletin and will need to be imported (using the Impex importer that comes free with the vBulletin license). Additionally it means the original poster doesn't need to worry about losing anything, because there's no upgrade needed (that said he should make backups anyway). Instead, he should do a clean install of vBulletin and use the importer to import the phpBB data. The process doesn't involve changing the current phpBB installation or database.