I keep getting 'doubled up' media or the media is all wacked out.
This is usually caused by duplicate definitions. Check you don't have duplicates. Duplicates are bad.
The video embeds fine, but when I click to start it, it says the video isn't available anymore. Yet, when I click the link, it is! What gives!?! Gief video!
This is because the publisher of the video has disallowed off site embedding. AME has a feature to help prevent this (see next point).
Media won't embed, it just gives the link with an icon after it.
This means that the publisher of the video has disallowed the video to be shown off site. Its actually a feature of AME to do that
I can't see me AME CP or I keep getting errors similar to:Warning: require_once([path]/includes/ame_bbcode.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in blahblahblah
This means that you have not correctly uploaded some (or ALL) of the files in the upload/forums folder. Simply FTP ALL of the contents of the upload/forums folder into your forum directory (as the per the readme).
Here is the file structure of the package:
+ Forums
+ admincp
- automediaembed_admin.php
+ amecache
- index.html
+ clientscript
- ame.js
+ images
+ misc
+ includes
+ xml
If you have tripple checked that the files are there are you are still getting errors, check that the server has permission to execute the files (they should really have the same owner as your other vB files)