Detailed features list
- works with vB's attachment system (finally reuse them!), the integreted album system and/or Photpost, vBGallery or Photoplog gallery software: decide which of them you want to use, or use them all.
- active in main editor, quickreply and quickedit
- 10 different options in what way to insert the images
- decide what options you want to offer: thumbnail with link to original image or album/gallery page, thumbnail or original image alone, thumbnail or original image with link to album/gallery below the image (plus, for Photopost, all of that for medium sized images, too - make sure you have set PP to save medium images, though).
- decide whether you want to let your users filter the images shown in the popup by albums
- has a code mode, where the images selected don't get inserted into the editor, but the respective code is shown in a codebox (and, if allowed by the browser, automatically copied to clipboard). Code mode can be enabled for certain usergroups only.
- four drop-down menus possible: show pictures from where? (albums or Photopost), show only pictures from a certain album/category, insert options (max. 10 different), code mode (no, html, bbcode). User sees only options that make sense (i.e.: if you allow only one option for inserting the images, the user will not see the corresponding drop-down menu). So if you want to, you can keep it absolutely simple with no menu at all, or have the full choice of options for your users.
- adds a blank after every inserted image (otherwise, if users insert several images in line there would be no line break, thus ultimately breaking your fixed style layout)
- stores the settings/filters the user uses in the popup in a cookie that stays valid for the session
- the script will detect whether editor is in wysiwyg or codeview-mode and act accordingly, so that in wysiwyg-mode the actual image will be visible
- the script will auto-close once the user saves his post
- supports gallery product installation in a different database than vB's
- Fully phrased
Product Configuration
It's quite straightforward, really. For most products you won't have to open the config files at all.
- ff you want to use a product other than vB albums and attachments (the config file for those is in the UPLOAD/includes folder and thus uploaded by default), you will find the corresponding file in the UPLOAD - product configurations folder, there in subfolder includes. All config files are named photo_popup_config_[name of product].
- You can check this list if there is anything that you want or have to do in the config file. All settings are explained in the config files in detail.
There are mandatory settings only for Photopost Pro. For all other products, you can skip the rest of this point, if you want to. There may be some explanations how configuration works for your product, however.
- All products: If applicable, you can override the global settings for medium images insertion and allow album selection. This means:
- $medium_override: set this to TRUE if you want to offer medium insertion out of one product (so you enter them in AdminCP) but you want to deactivate it for this product. Only applicable if the product does save medium images. If not, the config file is set accordingly already. Useful if you have turned off medium image saving in Photopost Pro, for example.
- album_override: set this to TRUE if you have activated the selection of albums in AdminCP, but want to deactivate it only for this product.
- Photopost: For this product, there are several mandatory settings to be done:
- $url_path: The URL to the directory where your gallery index page resides (starting with http://)
- $data_dir: The URL to the directory where Photopost stores the uploaded images (default is subdirectory data in the gallery root
- $db_prefix: The Prefix used in the Photopost database. Default is "pp_".
- if you have a different database, you have to provide the settings for database name, host, user and password.
- vBGallery:
- Photo Popup determines whether your vBG is configured to run in safe mode environment. If this is the case, the folder structure in your data directory is different. The script will adapt accordingly.
Example: data folder for user 1234. Safe mode on will result in a folder structure 1/2/3/4, while safe mode off will leave it at 1234.
- VBGallery can be configured to save the original image files when uploading. If this is the case, Photo Popup will automatically link these original files to the insert options for "original" images. The image size used on vBG pages will be linked to "medium" options. If vBG does not safe original images, the size used on vBG pages will be linked to "original" and "medium" options will be deactivated.
- Photoplog:
- LITE: For use with the lite version, use the photo_popup_config_photoplog file
- PRO: For use with the pro version, there are two different products (can be used simultaneously); shows categories or useralbums in albums-dropdown:
- photo_popup_config_photoplog_categories
- photo_popup_config_photoplog_useralbums
- Saves the original images plus thumbnails in three sizes (small, medium, large), resulting in four different image sizes available. As this mod can handle only three, there's a choice:
- $medium_swith: can be set to "medium" or "large". This affects the insertion of medium sized images in photo popup. If set to medium, it will pull Photoplog's medium sized images, if set to large the large ones.
- CND Garage
- There are two config files issued with this mod. Depending on the version you are using, you need to either
- use the photo_popup_config.php file if you are running CND Garage 2.x
- delete the existing photo_popup_config.php file and remove the ".old"-extension from photo_popup_config.php.old file if you are running an older version.
- Upload the config file(s) for all the product(s) you want to use into the includes folder of your forum root.
A note on vBGallery and Photoplog support
I have installed vBGallery and Photoplog only in a local testing environment. Please note that I can only give limited support for those add-ins.
A note on "conflicts" with other editor/quickreply/quickedit mods
Normally, there should be no fundamental conflict. The template edits for this mod do nothing but to add an additional button to the toolbar in quickreply and quickedit and a link to the main editor.
However, if other mods you have installed already induced template changes there, you might have to adapt the template changes accordingly. A good solution might be to melt the template changes for this mod into the template changes for the other. I'm afraid I'll not be able to help you there, since I do not have those mods installed. But ask away here or, perhaps even more promising, in the thread for the other mod, perhaps anyone else has.Please take note of
this post here, too.
On principle, you should be able to add the link that opens the popup anywhere within the various editor-tamplates in any form you like - whether you put up text or the button in front of the link, doesn't really matter. What you essentially need is a link like this one somewhere within the editor:
HTML Code:
<a href="#" onclick="'photo_popup.php?$session[sessionurl]e=$editorid','fotos','scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width={$vbulletin->options['photo_popup_width']},height={$vbulletin->options['photo_popup_heigth']}'); return false" title="$vbphrase[photo_popup_insertlink]">$vbphrase[photo_popup_insert]</a>]
If you don't want text, remove "$vbphrase[photo_popup_insert]" and replace it with the editor image "$vbphrase[photo_popup_insert]" - or anything else.
Credits go to
the Geek for the idea for this hack and hints I took from the code of his old Gallery popup. Especially the trouble-rousing injection-process of the images into the editor follows different lines altogether, using vB-built-in functions.
The camera-icon in quickreply and quickedit is taken from the fabulous silk iconset: