Originally Posted by fmckinnon
BellyBelly -
I've seen reports that it *IS* working.
OK - I've installed it now on http://www.theworshipcommunity.com/forums/
When I attempt to view the application on FaceBook, it gives me this on this link:
Errors while loading page from application
Parse errors:
CSS Error (line 32 char 30): Error in parsing value for property.: 'background-repeat' Declaration dropped.
FBML Error (line 348): illegal tag "body" under "fb:canvas"
CSS Error (line 355 char 140): Error in parsing value for property.: 'background-repeat' Declaration dropped.
FBML Error (line 397): illegal tag "noscript" under "fb:canvas"
FBML Error (line 580): illegal tag "noscript" under "fb:canvas"
FBML Error (line 625): illegal tag "noscript" under "fb:canvas"
There are still a few kinks Facebook and the makers of TheWorshipCommunity.Com are trying to iron out. We appreciate your patience as we try to fix these issues. Your problem has been logged - if it persists, please come back in a few days. Thanks!
Don't worry about the facebook application... ppl shouldn't see it.
Originally Posted by i-comers.com
I'm Report For Bugs
Fatal error:- The email address you entered is already in use. If you have forgotten your password, please click here.
Unable to proceed with save while $errors array is not empty in class vB_DataManager_User in [path]/includes/class_dm.php on line 810
means that somehow you erased the facebook user to vb user map (fbuser table entry) and haven't deleted the vbuser.
did you install and then uninstall this mod?
Originally Posted by Phaedrus
How? They'll want to know how to associate their facebook with their existing account.
Also, does this work with promotions?
I have them set to come in as Registered Users, they are a bit limited until they get past 15 posts, then they are promoted. Will the promotions work?
when you login with facebook for the first time there is a link "Want to use your existing account?"