Originally Posted by Finster
If one has Goldbrick, and that hack is supposed to add media tags, and one switches over to AME which seems to be far more supported, will the old tags get converted? From what i read, it appears the answer is yes, but better to ask a dumb question.
I've not personally worked with Goldbrick, but I can tell you what AME can do which might help you out. AME has a conversion tool built in, which will take existing BBCode you are using and convert the tags to it's own built in [AME] tags. So, for example, if you used to use [YOUTUBE] or [METACAFE] BBCode, you can have the conversion tool go through your posts and convert both of those tags to [AME] tags. Mind you, AME tags are not neccessary for new posts to embed, just older posts.
Also, Highslide JS is an add-on requirement to Goldbrick, and it is a nice affect. If one disables Golbrick but keeps Highslide, I trust AME would be Highslided (or is that Highslid?) lol.
AME does not use Highslide and would not affect AME videos. They would all be embedded. There's a number of reaons why, such as AME embeds more then just videos where the Highlslide wouldn't really make much sense or be practical.
Lastly, Golbrick would allow one to upload a QT or Mov or WMV (yuck) video to their own server and paste the url to that video in a post and it would render it. I want to make surre AME does the same. Goldbrick rarely thumbnails, how good is AME?
Yes, with the extended definitions in my thread (the add-on link in the main post), you can get AME to embed Local Hosted media, such as MOV, SWF, WMV, DIVX, RM, RAM and PDF.
Last dumb question, there seems to be two AME's floating around, thus confusing my pea brain.
Depends on which threads your refering to. There's the older version originally made for 3.6. Then there's my two threads which support the extended definitions for AME:
Third Time's the Charm are the definitions for AME 2.0 or older, and
Delta are the definitions for AME 2.5.