If one has Goldbrick, and that hack is supposed to add media tags, and one switches over to AME which seems to be far more supported, will the old tags get converted? From what i read, it appears the answer is yes, but better to ask a dumb question.
Also, Highslide JS is an add-on requirement to Goldbrick, and it is a nice affect. If one disables Golbrick but keeps Highslide, I trust AME would be Highslided (or is that Highslid?) lol.
Lastly, Golbrick would allow one to upload a QT or Mov or WMV (yuck) video to their own server and paste the url to that video in a post and it would render it. I want to make surre AME does the same. Goldbrick rarely thumbnails, how good is AME?
Last dumb question, there seems to be two AME's floating around, thus confusing my pea brain.