Originally Posted by The Geek said in part
Let me first start by apologising for my sporadic attendance here, however my rl zaps most of my free time now and I have less time to code and/or support this project. Let me then follow up by again thanking DJ for his tireless support of this mod. If it wasn't for his support, I am sure most would agree that this mod would be as dead as a doornail (whatever the hell a dead doornail is).
Geek, I am also wishing to thank DJ and yourself and your devotion to life as well as this program. I wish to assure you for what it is worth that your work has added flavor to my life and even affored me a pleasurable day of music and a day off of RL just yesterday. It is a huge hit on our fledgling forum and getting better. I am listing to music as I type this in fact and am ever so appreciative.
I wish to add to the "usless knowledge base" for you. A door nail is that nail that is used in the top or door of an old time wooden coffin and thus the association of death.
While probably not originating in the original bird flu pandemic during WWI it certainly gained poplar usage there when often was the case in these parts that there was not enough living in communites to bury the dead. But I digress and yet again I wish to thank you for your finest code.
Should you decide at some point to drop it, I will likely hire help if possible to continue it.