Originally Posted by smirkley
OK, did a full reinstall, and same end result.
I dont think the install is the issue atm.
Let me first start by apologising for my sporadic attendance here, however my rl zaps most of my free time now and I have less time to code and/or support this project. Let me then follow up by again thanking DJ for his tireless support of this mod. If it wasn't for his support, I am sure most would agree that this mod would be as dead as a doornail (whatever the hell a dead doornail is).
Smirkley, I do seem to recall that the last 2.5 release had an issue with conversions of old blogs, social group and visitor messages. IIRC, I think I had it resolved on a local development build, however I am not keen to simply zip up what is on my dev server without really spending the time to comb back through the code to ensure there are not any loose ends left undone (its been months since I have worked on it).
The problem was that the tool would give a db error trying to do conversions of old data and no changes would be made. It in no way affected the underlying data (but of course it wouldn't convert old info into ame's either!). The rest of the system works hunky dory. New visitor messages, blog posts, etc... worked fine... (as well as edited ones) just not the conversions of old data using that particular tool.
I will try to set some time aside over the next week or so to comb back through the code and see if I can get a final release into the 3.8 forum (yes, this indeed works on 3.8). Until then, know that the system works fine - there just isn't a working tool to automatically convert old blogs, social messages and visitor messages.