[REQ VB 3.8] Auto Hide/Code Links Per Forum Setting
I need a mod that adds to all forum settings the options....
1. Off
2. CODE Links
3. HIDE Links
With each setting to do as followed...
1. Off = Do nothing to the links in the pertaining forum.
2. CODE Links = Automatically CODE all links in the pertaining forum.
3. HIDE Links = Automatically HIDE all links in the pertaining forum.
With Off being default.
and optionally a way to override the settings assigned by usergroup options.
I think it would be nice looking to put a check box on the topic post/reply page down where you have "Miscellaneous Options" like...
Show your signature
Automatically parse links in text
Automatically embed media (requires automatic parsing of links in text to be on).
Automatically retrieve titles from external links
Disable smilies in text
*Override Code Links
*Override Hide Links
With * being the additional options.
If someone could make this mod I would greatly appreciate it even if the Override option isn't there but it would be a plus.