Originally Posted by Shelley_c
LOL Haven't heard that one for years. 
Probably because it's the sort of thing a 5 year old would say.
Originally Posted by lasto
why everyone getting worked up - the guy asked a decent question.So instead of we dont plan on changing our policy try spend the same energy on finding solutions to problems.
Also seeing as this is a members board - maybe asking the members once in a while what they want may help instead of always telling us what we cant have.
Hostility begets hostility. If you post in a demanding and hostile manner people will respond in kind.
And to the OP; Since I'd rather not incurr your terrible wrath and more name calling, I'll simply suggest you read everyone elses reply again, and maybe adjust your bad attitude and sense of entitlement
I hope I don't get called a poopoo head or something now :|