Originally Posted by Green Cat
Where is the /team function gone ? 
EDIT: and it would be nice if the name of the chanel was displayed only if it isn't the general one.
This was removed due to the new channel unlimited creation system.
But some other ask me for that so if anyone else is interested here I'll add it back.
Originally Posted by Alfa1
I am still gettign this error as well.
Originally Posted by entertain
Are you sure? We also got this error with vB 3.7.4 ....
Yes I am sure.
Originally Posted by bwcbob
I have a problem with the scrollbars with some of my members - not me personally since I am on a 24 inch widescreen at 1680 x 1050... with another monitor right next to it...
and another admin is also reporting the ajax error on the latest version of vbulletin...
Which scrollbar problem ?
Originally Posted by Jeordie015
I'm getting this same error. Can we get a fix for this?
Well you should have carefully read the readme, there are uninstall instructions that were written for users to read them
Remove the chatbox files from your ftp and things will get back to normal (especially the one in the includes/xml directory).