Originally Posted by zippys
Theres a little overhang on each search result and also when you hover over, but when you hover then move off, it disappears.
Are you by chance seeing the problem in Firefox and not in Internet Explorer?
I had the same problem; I do my development in Firefox. It took me several hours of work to find a solution.
Firefox handles padding differently than Internet Explorer, apparently. See
Within the Live Search Templates group, in the lsa_main template, look for
<div id="search_results" style="padding: $stylevar[cellpadding]px; width: $vboptions[lsa_width]; height: $vboptions[lsa_height]; overflow: auto;">
The width and padding are both set using variables. In Firefox, the padding gets added to the width, making those table rows too wide for the "popup" window that encloses them. That's why they appear to extend beyond the right edge of the popup window, I believe.
I haven't yet checked the results in Internet Explorer, but I solved the problem in Firefox by hardcoding the width in this snippet of code to a value that's equal to the desired width of the popup window minus the amount of the left and right padding.
That will get you close, anyway. I actually had to make the popup window slightly narrower than I calculated it should be (I don't know why that was necessary), but eventually found a width value that resolved the problem.
See attachment (116KB), which shows the results of a lot of tweaking I did to the code.
Thanks, mad@Max, for making this mod available.