Originally Posted by nexialys
Blah Blah Blah... so if it was THAT powerful, why Obama had to help them with a 60Millions investment to evade the Clintons from Bankrupcy?!...
anyway, i was not talking about the PARTY, i was talking about the MAN... when Bush, Clinton, or the other Presidents were 2 days before their inauguration, did you see that much of appreciation of the population across the planet?!... there is manifestations of millions of people in all the countries right now... people who goes in the street in Arabia, China, Germany, Canada, Brasil, etc... nobody else in the Amercian history had that much of backup from the population... even Elvis or the Beatles.
lets leave Elvis out of this (long live the king) - The beatles u can drag in i dont mind

The American population want change thats why there is so many behind him.They live in hope that this man will save them and bring peace to the world.(
Fairytale over - plz close book here and fall asleep 
Now the real truth is - he wont bring much that Bush never brought,simple because he is not a one man band.
DO you honestly think Bush woke up one day and throught, thats it,im gonna attack Afghan and Iraq - NOPE - he has a machine working behind him 24 hrs a day,telling him what he should and not do.This same machine will also be directing Obama during his term of office.So you may see some changes but the majorty will be the same and when things look really bad they will just say `well we had to clean up bush`s mess`.
Do u also think that every person who worked Under Bush`s term will be gone,Im afraid not - same people will still be there working in background for Obama.
So as u see,change will not come - Remember all Politicians promise u what u want to get voted in but once they in,you get nothing - then how sad and lonely will u be when u think back on the times u waved the american flag in honour of Obama and wished him all the best.
You mean nothing to Obama and his family so best u remember that.Obama would not look down upon u if it was`nt for the fact that he needed u to get in office.