Umm dude... Romania would've been independent of any kind of crisis the world would have to throw at it, if we were to still be in communism.
But about 20 years ago, some bastards decided that having a country where nobody starves and everybody has a home and a place to work wasn't good enough anymore... so they started a revolution. Tens of thousands of people died in a couple of days until they shot the "president".
Since then we've been so eager to follow the USA, that it didn't even matter who was in the chair, they all kissed ass on the americans and right now, we're screwed.
No, i might not make sense enough for you to get the picture but it's the damn government that sucks up to the US, that brought us here. No, it doesn't matter who's in the chair, they're all the same and on it together. The few that were different were pushed away.
Not trying to blame the US, but our governments that look up to the US.
My final opinion? A DIRTY president could do that, with the right help.