Originally Posted by munnakv
Thanks for the reply bjhuang.
I did not modify the second line. It stays as $script = 'sitemap.php';
I changed only the third line to : $count = 2000;
The problem still remains unsolved. 
I even replaced the sitemap.php with the downloaded one, but does not have any effect.
You can have a look at here: http://www.indianjobtalks.com/forum/sitemap.php
(Just to remind, the offset link http://www.indianjobtalks.com/forum/sitemap?offset=2000 leads to a pagenot found error.)
The "View Full Version" link works now. Thanks. 
Does your page loads or it still gives you a 404 error? im trying to figure out what i can do to fix mine as well
I dont know what is causing the problem for it not to allow going through the pages, only gives me a 404 error