Has anybody else run into this on 3.8.0?
I didn't have this problem before but now that I have upgraded to 3.8.0 my members are noticing that sometimes when using the quick reply their post shows up twice.
Interestingly enough I think this problem would normally be avoided when the system checks for duplicate posts before inserting the post, however I have Xenon's "Prevent Doubleposting" hack installed.
Didn't want to hijack his thread since for all I know this is a separate issue. The problem is related somewhat to that hack however because the way the system normally works is:
1. A user posts.
2. VB checks for any recent posts with the exact same text and spits back an error message if it's a duplicate post.
With the "Prevent Doubleposts" hack, this changes somewhat.
1. A user posts.
2. PDP checks to see if the previous post in the thread was made by the same user and if so it merges the two:
Hey man, welcome!
Also, where are you from?
3. Where VB would normally find the duplicate content, it now does not realize this because the post that just went through was merged with the previous post.
The would be duplicate post:
Also, where are you from?
Is compared to (or not compared to actually, but for the sake of laying this out, is no longer identical to
Hey man, welcome!
Also, where are you from?
Is not the same post as:
Also, where are you from?
So the "Prevent Doubleposts" will automerge the two for the unsightly result of:
Hey man, welcome!
Also, where are you from?
Also, where are you from?
So does that make sense? Has anybody else noticed people having problems with their post going through twice with quick reply on 3.8.0? If so have you found out why?
The problem itself is not the "Prevent Doubleposts" hack. That's just making it worse. Fixing the root cause will make the "Prevent Doubleposts" hack irrelevent, which is good because I'd like to keep it enabled.
What could the root cause be though? Thoughts?