Hello all ...
I realize that Paul no longer supports this mod and for a whole bunch of reasons to numerous to mention here, we can't upgrade our site past v3.67pl1 and therefore can't use the 3.7 version of this fine mod. It has proven to be extremely useful to us over the last year or so.....
However, I thought I'd ask anyone still reading this thread if they have encountered the following consistent error and have found a solution they could share.
We get dozens and dozens of these specific errors every day and it's driving us crazy emailing us with vBulletin Database Errors.
The same error occurs frequently as follows: (shortened and dealt with privacy issues)
Database error in vBulletin 3.6.7:
Invalid SQL:
INSERT INTO referrers
(url, count)
('google.co.il%2Fsearch%3Fhl%3Diw%26amp%3Bclient%3 Dfirefox-a%26amp%3Brls%3Dorg.mozilla%253Aen-US%253Aofficial%26amp%3Bhs%3DHxf%26amp%3Bq%3D%2522 %25D7%2597%25D7%2599%25D7%2595%25D7%25AA%2B%25D7%2 59C%25D7%2599%25D7%259C%25D7%2594%2522%2B25.07.08% 26amp%3BbtnG%3D%25D7%2597%25D7%2599%25D7%25A4%25D7 %2595%25D7%25A9%26amp%3Bmeta%3D', 1);
MySQL Error : Duplicate entry 'google.co.il%2Fsearch%3Fhl%3Diw%26amp%3Bclient%3D firefox-a%26amp' for key 1 Error Number : 1062
Date : Friday, January 16th 2009 @ 08:58:56 PM
Script :
Referrer :
IP Address : xx.xx.xx.xx
Username : Unregistered
Classname : vB_Database
Anyone else get these and perhaps can help us solve it?
Thanks for any feedback ....