I have a small problem.
I setup the whole thing successfully but I have the following issue.
My forum path in vbulletin settings is without the www.
I setup the facebook application with the callback URL to be the same as the vbulletin
Now if somebody access my site by typing or just (without the
www.) the facebook connect plugin works flawlessly!
But if you access the website using the www prefix like or just then the facebook connect is not working. So most of the people that enter my site and using the www. prefix cannot use facebook connect.
I tried change the forum path in vbulletin settings by adding the www. prefix and updated the facebook application callback URL with the www. prefix and I am getting the exact opposite results.
Now when you enter the site with the www prefix like you can use the facebook connect. But if you enter it without the www like then facebook connect once again is not working.
Any idea how I can make it work with both the www. prefix and without?
Is this a known issue?