Originally Posted by Mum
I had to uninstall. My host says this puts too much server connections, and they would disable my account if i keep using it.
change the interval's
there is a query interval, right now its at 3000 by default. So every 3 seconds it makes a tiny query (which is alot a DB connection, but it should close right after)
there is also a setting that determines if the topic should be live or not right now if a topic has been posted in the past 300 seconds then its live (you can lower this number)
and third there is an idle setting that determines if the user viewing the page is idle right now that's set to 300 seconds. (when the user is marked as idle the query's will stop and they will continue when the system detects that the user is no longer idle)
so making any of these numbers higher will reduce server load, but the initial values seems fair to me. (shared hosting packages may need to have higher values)
Wow I really didn't mean to write an essay.
there is a st
Originally Posted by Theater
Woot, read through the thread here to discover it doesn't work with USC... what a shame. Saved me a headache though trying to figure out what was causing it!
Also, I noticed it didn't work on my clean test board until I set Quick Reply to:
"Yes, Click Not Required"
instead of:
"Yes, Click Required"
Hope that helps mate. :up:
Thanks man, I'm going to what i can do