you should code some new features for this like triggers, i'd love to see this developed more so that users can set automatically given awards when a certain parameter is met (for example a user reaches X posts, a user has logged on X ammount of times) heres a neat little list (ok i lied its rather big) of some triggers us admins would probably want to see (hey maybe even code a feature that will let us invent our own and share them):
User reaches X posts
User has been a member for X days/months/years
User has logged in X ammount of times
User has viewed a certain page
User has edited a certain field in their profile
User has gained X ammount of rep (+ive and -ive)
User has left a comment on someones profile
User has donated X (or bought subscription)
User has been promoted to new usergroup
User has X ammount of buddies/friends
i can probably think of tonnes more. if these were available i'm sure this mod would go far i'm pretty sure people would pay for features like this added.