Originally Posted by Farcaster
Just to be clear, my modification does work on 3.8.0 and earlier versions. It is the integration modification with the Event Forums that has been abandoned, and that is because the Event Forums modification hasn't been updated to work with later versions.
Remember like 6 or 7 months ago when I contacted you and Evercraft and asked you if I could bring your mod up to date and release it?
Evercraft enthusiastically gave me permission.
You very quickly and harshly denied me permission.
I find it a bit comical that now you are trying to claim that it's Evercraft's fault (which it isn't, previous to making this mod I have been running an updated version of evercrafts mod and an updated of your two mods). You had the opportunity to have it updated... you didn't take it, and you didn't let someone else handle it. Don't try and offset the blame elsewhere... it's yours.