Still does not work following this:
Display problem in some styles
In some styles, you can encounter display problems because the chatbox uses an automatic insertion system in the templates based on specific variables that might not be present in your styles.
If you encounter such problems, follow these few steps (my example is based on the display of the chatbox at the bottom of the forum page but you can easily transpose it to another position causing problems):
Go into the plugin manager of your admin control panel.
Edit the plugin Chatbox display on forumhome.
Replace $find = '$forumhome_markread_script';.
By :
Finally, go in the style manager and edit the FORUMHOME template.
Add :
before $footer.
another feature I like for infernoshout, all you have to do is insert the damn variable wherever you want it to show up....
And obvious bugs are annoying: Chat does not always show up in the right order!!!!