Originally Posted by akonze
I am talking about not to load this file from a Google server. Everytime your script is loaded, it will call the jquery lib from Google. This means Google logs everything into their server logfiles. They know how many visitors you have, where they came from, when they visit your server, which contries they came from and so on.
In my eyes this is not recommended. I think the better solution is to include everything into a zip file, which many other developers do.
Akonze... they also know what your users are typing in the subject line (since the subject line is relayed for the similar threads search)... But as I said, this helps YOU! It helps Google place your website in more valid topics. As I said before, Google hasn't done anything clandestine that you should be fearing them... YET.
The solution is to do it the same way vBulletin does their Server Optimization with the Yahoo! User Interface Library. You can chose to use the files on your server, or chose to use the ones on Yahoo's server.