Originally Posted by bananalive
So far there have several circumstances of the product not installing and freezing at "Importing Product, Please Wait...". I don't know the cause of the issue but it seems to only be a problem with websites running 4. The best option is for you to contact your server provider and request for them to upgrade your server to php 5 - this is what the other people who had the problem have done. If your server host is refusing to upgrade your server to php 5 then we'll have to go through each line of the install seeing what line is causing the error.
Firstly... thanks for your help with this. My server provider does have php5 available for me to use and they state that to do so I simply need to rename the php file extensions to .php5 instead of just .php however I'm unsure as to which files I would need to do this to. Would I need to redo the whole of my VB installation, or would just changing the php files for this mod work?