Originally Posted by bwcbob
I like some things about your box, and some about the inferno shout box - and I have the pro of the inferno one...
And there are downsides to both boxes... A separate one is needed so the mods can see what users are writing at the same time as what the mods are writing without changing channels..
Just for my information, can you tell which ? That could perhaps help even further enhancing my chatbox !
Originally Posted by bwcbob
The style fix, how do you activate that? Because when I disable the display on forum home, and put the variable in, nothing happens...
Well the one explained in the readme for style issue.
Originally Posted by Harley D
After sending a private chat, then clicking on the dropdown next to my avatar of that Private Chat. the selection contains editing links for the person you sent the PC to and not for the person who sent it.
It still functions correctly, just confusing for the user.
On the PM chat or all chats ?