im sorry, my english is very bad.
I installed Ajax Tab Forum Home 1.5.0
In the install instructions i read this:
OK now, lets get Categories to display under each tab.
You will notice that each <li> has a weird looking URL "tabforumhome.php?tabcat[]=1&tabcat[]=2"
To set a category you simply assign a category ID number to a tabcat[] variable like this: tabcat[]=1
To have more than one category show up under a tab, just concat them like this: "tabforumhome.php?tabcat[]=1&tabcat[]=2&tabcat[]=3"
Its THAT simple.
I do that, but there no categorys or not all i write in the "code" and example
in Tab 2 are the same categorys as Tab1

please look at picture an my forumhome
Can someone help me?
Thanks Meverik