Originally Posted by Kinneas
Maybe you should actually do your research and not just install any random mod because it looks good. Rather than expecting everyone else to police the mods for your convenience.
Look numnuts..... nobody asked everone else to police mods for my convenience. That was an idiotic response. All I said was that mods should adhere to a specific set of guidelines. WTF is wrong with that concept? It's callled QC and QA. That simply means, letting others know exactly what modification are being made when a mod is installed, and what is required to undo those modifications. It is not always just the reverse proceedure. Some of these coders obviously put a lot of hours into a given work and asking to put a reasonable effort into documentation is not, in my opinion, an unreasonable request.
FYI - I do read the entire mod thread, and I DO indeed do my own research, so you may can the attidude.
Originally Posted by Kinneas
You do realise nobody here is paid for the work they release, right?
So what's your point? Are you saying that since something is available at no charge, it's ok to have serious flaws, and that people should just accept those serious flaws, and just shut up about them?? Anyone that actually believes that, should not post their work in the first place.