Originally Posted by Philippe J
Hello Jaxel, and thank you for this great mod !
Just a question : when I made the upgrade from 1.1.0 RC2 to 1.1.9, I lost all my YouTube videos. I still had my categories, but there were 0 videos in it, instead of more than a hundred.
More surprisingly, I still had the videos on the videothumbnails/youtube folder, but I was not able to see them on my forum.
So I uninstalled the mod and reinstalled the 1.2.1 version.
Next time I will upgrade, is there something I have to take care or to back up if I don't want to lose again all my videos ?
You should not have lost any videos. What you forgot to do was re-establish your limits, or rebuild your category dataman. This will make it LOOK like you have no videos, when they are actually still there. When you uninstalled, thats when you actually lost your videos.