Originally Posted by WarLion
i love it amazing the update jaxel , but you know why if i go to my video directory menu
"General settings"
"Video detail settings"
an "Video tag settings"
have a blank page?
Try the attached CPNAV file...
Originally Posted by rapidphim
how about if I have series of video? Is there away to play next video on this hack?
how about any other video hosting such as DailyMotion, Veoh, Google, Yahoo, MSN, and many others????
Google, Myspace, Yahoo and MSN dont have publicly available per-video XML (not just a REST API). If they dont have a publicly available per-video XML, then there is nothing I can do for it... Dailymotion is already available in the pack... Veoh has one... I'll add it in the next update. A per video XML feed is basically a file that your server can retrieve to get the specific information about a video. If it doesn't exist, then you have nowhere to get the information... Here are some examples...
http://www.veoh.com/rest/video/v831782W7CC6yez/details (its mangled, but it should still work)
http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos/DxkbFNXTfhs (view source)
http://www.dailymotion.com/rss/video/x7s7tj (view source)
http://www.metacafe.com/api/item/2296082 (view source)
Originally Posted by manuelsechi
downloaded and installed but where's the hoster file?
I'm unable to load youtube videos...
In your /includes/xml folder.
Originally Posted by Adam21
Yes,thats what i faced also.Even after re-uploading all the latest files to their correct folders.Meanwhile u can access these options instead under vbulletin options.
Try the attached CPNAV file...