Originally Posted by DawnsWebDesigns
I followed your instructions but everything's still in French I believe. How do I switch it to English?
Try doing the language import again, there might have been a transient
Anyway when you say everything is in French you really meant everything everything ?
Originally Posted by nickypoooo
great! someone can help me with making it easier to have my users work with the #
# /pm : send a private chat to another user?
I'm looking for a way to have it integrate to 'action' menu?
I don't got you at all, what do you mean ?
Originally Posted by exyuteam
I try it on my test forum (3.8.0) and this options works... (chat ver. 2.1.0). First I turn it off, and chat was gone. Then I turn chat ON again and chat is displayed again..... So, on my test forum this working well....
Ok might be a false problem then.
Originally Posted by ispots
I am getting a lot of generic AJAX errors, is there a log somewhere that keeps up with what is going on or is there a fix?
It is becoming quite a nuisance...
Yes, see bug list for Ajax error there is a link to the fix.
Originally Posted by kisskiss
see the red lain thi is the problem the theis areya wyy this show whin we but the shat box
see the pic

That's strange, have you tried lowering the size of input field ? Same problem if chatbox is collapsed ?