I'm not that new here, i have been viewing as a guest but i finaly decided to register and since i like this place so much, i thought i would make a vbulletin emailer after all i am a programer, its just a app to email people (multiple people) and well i think its a great way for people to get members on there vbulletin forum, by typing in a email of someone and sending them a link or something so its really great if you just started a forum and want to et some members. Its pretty self explanitory and when you click send email it freezes for i bit (couple seconds to a minute) and a message will pop up saying its sent, and if you dont beliave me send a email to yourself

it works and i spent a lot of time making it just for you guys
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Dont expect any replies when using this app its only a one-way thing
Special thanks to Vbulletin.org
Please inform me if the link goes dead so i can fix it fast thanks.
You need .net framework 3.5 to use it.