Sorry for having two updates in one day... I finally figured this stuff out...
I tried my best to make it as simple as possible to upgrade:
- Download new zip file
- Upload new files
- Re-install new product
- Re-set limit settings
- Re-import hosters
================================================== =========
Version 1.2.1
================================================== =========- Changed the way certain video hoster setting options work.
- These options are now global options, instead of being individual to each hoster.
- There is now a new "Video detail settings" menu in your Admin Control Panel.
- This change was made so that I could support a plugin based [VIDEO] BB code.
- You MUST remember to re-import all of your video hosters after upgrading.
- Added support for plugin based [VIDEO] and [VIDEO=XXX] bbcodes!.
- There is an option in the general settings to enable or disable these video tags.
- If enabled, users will be able to embed videos from the video directory in their posts.
- There are no permission checks on this; if a video is embedded, ANYONE can see it.
- If you enable video bbcodes, they will replace the existing bb codes in video details.
- FILE EDITS SINCE 1.2.0: (make sure you upload these new versions!)
- upload/video.php
- upload/includes/functions_videodirectory.php
- upload/includes/xml/cpnav_videodirectory.xml
- upload/includes/xml/videohoster-Dailymotion.xml
- upload/includes/xml/videohoster-Metacafe.xml
- upload/includes/xml/videohoster-YouTube.xml
- upload/includes/xml/videohoster-YouTubeHD.xml
- TEMPLATE EDITS SINCE 1.2.0: (make sure you revert these templates!)
- NEW: video_bbcode
- some random plugin changes...