As I just posted in the Paid Services forum I need help with my foum.
I just did a completely new overhaul of the main site that is based on Wordpress.
My problem is I get over 600 unique visitors a day and get 0 registrations on my forum.
Main SIte:
1) I know I need someone to design or move headers into the forum to give it a unified look.
2) nexialys, member here just gave me good advice: "you also need a default display to your forum., having a complete custom forum for a basic site is not good, people do not recognise a forum there."
So I need help with that. My problem is I have many forums as I am trying to emulate what other travel forums do. People want to go to a specific forum for travel information on that specific island area.
3) I get many "views" according to my Cpanel stats of my registration page but no sign ups. Could there be something wrong with the reg process?
This is related to the WTH post I placed here:
Thank you in advance.