Originally Posted by Marco van Herwaarden
We have no intention to change our policy on modifications. We have a limited set of guidelines/rules in place, but we try to keep low requirements for sharing solutions with the rest of thecommunity. We could add a lot of (artificial) rules a modification must follow, but that will only lower the number of submitted modifications.
There is a rating bar and the comment section available to every addon. These two ensure that users can share their experience regarding addons. I at least browse through the comments section and take a closer look at the last entries and also on the response rate of coders who marked "supported" = yes before I consider even downloading a addon.
We all have time limitations but addons whose coders never updated in month while there are nasty bugs reported are a no-go for me. Security and stability rule, rest drools.
Testdriving on a non-productive server is not always an option because what seems to work or at lest doesn't harm can later show its real implications.
I trust in the opinion of other coders which "control" the source of other coder's addons.