The problem I see with this is, any coder could provide uninstall directions which in turn could not work as they have described. To have a set standard on the mods that are released would almost mean that someone would have to take he time to install and test each modification.
With that said, your best bet when getting ready to use any modification is to test it on a test forum (thus why I believe vbulletin allows you to use two instances (so long as one is not viewable to the public). If and when your forum becomes substantial in size, would you risk the word of someone who is providing a modification free for download to work 100%) Personally, and nothing against any coder here, I would test it on a demo forum before allowing it to go on my live forums.
Good question but I'm not sure it's up to the mods / staff to determine the quality of a modification or set guidelines on what is included, in this case uninstall instructions.
As for "uninstall instructions" well reversing the order which you installed it would be the typical way, remove template edits if any, uninstall the plugin, delete the associated files. If you follow these steps and it left your DB with extra tables, then the modification wasn't written too well... and back to my original point that someone HERE would have had to have tested it to know it in fact did not work. Anyhow, not trying to be negative but shed some thought on why it might be a difficult task.