Originally Posted by Digital Jedi
No problemo.
Here's how it appears on my forums, windowboxed:
Here's proof that it's obviously a widescreen encode:
The windowbox on Youtube is due to the source files already being windowboxed before I started editing in Vegas. You can see that the 4:3 box on my website makes the black border larger. If I manually set the HTML wrapper for HD encodes to be wide (taking out the $ameinfo[width] and height arguments and replacing them with hardcoded values) then the video will display as intentioned.
Does FireFox have any special settings that would autoplay certain videos? Because I haven't encountered this in FireFox before.
Firefox doesn't support Windows Media embedding very well at all, so I'm no suprised it doesn't obey the autostart setting. Another one of those semantics things MS fights over with the entirety of the educated internet, trying to get everyone else to adopt because they're to lazy to do things right the first time around. At least it's not Apple and Quicktime, or we'd have a bunch of rabid fanboys jumping down our throats to make their little hippy club happy.