Originally Posted by Coroner
I can't recunstruct this Error. 
Too Bad, I guess someone else should have and report the same error/bug so that you can track it.
I tried to create a New Category at "/umg.php" choosing Administration -> Categories then it displays the Add Category Page at "/umg.php?do=usercp&act=cat", then I set the Name, Description, Permissions (I set only Admins but I've also tried setting another Usergroup without sucess), then I click "Save Changes" and then comes the Error Page at "/umg.php?do=usercp" with the "HTTP Error 406 - No aceptable".
Is there some Option I should specificaly Set besides the Group Permissions for Admins to be able to Create the Categories without any Problem?
I've ReUploaded and also I've Uninstalled and Reinstalled the Product without any Sucess, because the same Error Occurs.
No Categories No way to Test the rest of the Mod.
I Hope you can Guide me, because this is Not Normal, sounds like a Bug on vB373.
My Best Regards.