Ok got it working!!
Had to do the following (and this was the only way that worked for me, even tried reloading backed up database and reinstalling product)
1. Un-install the product via ADMINCP (dont just reload your database like I did)
2. Delete every file via FTP (dont know why I had to do this to get it to work)
3. Reload every file via FTP (CHMOD DIR's again)
4. Import product again, but it got stuck at Manage Hoster. So had to manually import the XML files from the Includes/xml directory
5. Go into all the Video settings and save them!
So it seems to be working now, I still have a couple of issues with IE but they are only cosmetic ?Phew?....
Will do some testing with this, but so far looks really cool, by the way if anyone wants to know I'm running VB Ver: 3.7.4
PS, Thanks for the great hack Jaxel!! Nominated for MOTH :-) Will also donate as well!