Originally Posted by nexi
i've done this path, and at the opposite of Princeton, it was not that complicated to execute
it has nothing to do with "complications" - it's a matter of determining what's best time wise dollar for dollar
if you have a lot of time in your hands than it doesn't matter
Regardless of what you say
- You will be spending more time on upgrades.
- You will be spending more time on learning other scripts, APIs, etc.
When all things are done ...
your viewers will care less if a site is CSS tableless or not. What they want is fresh content on a fast site - nothing more; nothing less.
I agree with Michael (not sure if it was in this post)...
things will be changing next year for the better. Technologies are evolving. Older browsers are disappearing. Browsers are becoming faster (eg. Firefox BETA). Broadband connectivity increasing.
Personally, I don't think now is the time for a vbulletin CSS tableless layout. There's just too many issues to address.
The biggest issue I see is making the style accessible to all. Many corporations are still using IE 4, 5, 6. To me, this is very important - every reader that does not have access to the site is a potential LOSS.
PREDICTION: By the end of next year, you will see an explosion of vbulletin CSS tableless layout.