Originally Posted by Trek
So the problem is actually that the variable $stylevar['imgdir_misc'] is getting URLencoded before vB does whatever replacements it needs to do. Or at least whatever string is including that variable for the image output is getting URLENCODED too soon. Again, I don't know where this is happening, but I'm trying to figure it out.
Ok, I found the exact cause now, it's my custom theme. It has a custom variable called {IF} (Images Folder) which translates to "%7BIF%7D" when it's URLDECODED. So somewhere within this mod I'd guess that it needs to check/process the replacement variables when building the images folder variable ($stylevar['imgdir_misc']). I have no idea where that might be or how to do it though.
Ok, I found what the problem is, just not a solution yet.
I searched this thread and found one other person with the problem, although no solution was posted.
The problem is, somewhere the text "%7BIF%7D" is getting inserted into the image URL paths. I've done some searches and cannot find this text anywhere.
Well how is this {IF} normally interpreted ? You have a plugin for that coming with the theme ?
Originally Posted by killa101
I hate the copyright info on it. Such annoying placement. And constant use of "MGC Chatbox Evo" when they could have just written "Shoutbox" or "Chatbox". I am considering uninstalling for these same reasons as well.
Well it's in the footer, of the chatbox that doesn't seem much illogical. About the MGC Chatbox Evo, JFYI it's an option that you can edit ...
Originally Posted by Alfa1
Bug: Since upgrading to 2.1.0 my members are getting this error:
Ajax error: an error has occured in an ajax request of the chatbox, please report your admin
Please advise or provide a fix.
See bug list, there is a link to a temporarly fix.
Originally Posted by gentz
ok all i see are mgc evo header, mgc evo functions file, and mgc cb functions file which of these is it? in the instructions it just says; mgc cb evo?
Yeah it's an error in the readme.