NOTE New modifications, provided and coded mostly by Gwynar; and Tora Tora!:
Mood display modification:
The stars are now a automatic display, so do not add them into your smilieys area, or
change the code in the "rate day" area. Meaning in short,
the stars are now hardcoded so that you do not have to
code anyting into the rate day area, nor have to upload more
stars and give them code values.
##### NOTE: New modification 1:#####
The mood5.php file, no longer needs
any server info. It runs off your
vb server settings. All you need to do
is upload it to your server without
any modifications. These added changes
also provide higher security for add on hacks.
##### NOTE New modification 2:#####
Censor text. Any censors that you
have on your board, will now be
used in the user comments area.
Be sure to have your censor on, or
have the words you intend to have
censored, listed in your vb
options area.
##### NOTE New modification 3:#####
Time and date settings, are now a
automatic vbdate format, and time
format, which allows the useage of
vb time zones to be used in thier display
##### NOTE New modification 4:#####
Template redirect, and error template work
as they should, without resembling
a "stuck" on page 1 hack.